How to look 25 in your 50s: Chuando Tan’s anti-ageing secrets

How to age in reverse like Chuando Tan?

By adhering to certain conventional health practices, 58-year-old Chuando Tan has managed to keep looking 25, shocking the entire world with his surprisingly youthful aura. 

Chuando Tan’s routines.

This 58-year-old photographer, went viral in 2017 for his unbelievably youthful looks. He looks like he’s in his 20s. How does he do it?


58-year-old Chuando Tan has successfully maintained a youthful appearance through a disciplined regimen that includes:

  • Strength training and cardiovascular workouts.
  • A protein-rich, low-carb diet focused on whole foods.
  • A simple skincare routine.
  • A stress-free lifestyle.
  • Avoidance of processed and refined foods that trigger inflammation, a known hallmark of ageing.

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Healthy habits 

Known for his work with high-profile celebrities like Janet Jackson, Rita Ora, and Shu Qi, Tan continues to capture attention worldwide with his seemingly timeless appearance.

So, how is this Singaporean never ageing? 

Turns out, the flawless skin and toned physique aren’t just due to genetics, it’s the choices he makes every day.

Chuando’s daily routine involves a disciplined, yet flexible approach to achieve longevity. It all comes down to healthy habits.

To boost longevity, it is important to cultivate positive daily habits that benefit both your mind and body.

Learn how to break bad habits and form good ones.

Exercising routine

His exercise regimen includes strength training, cardiovascular workouts, and swimming that collectively:

  • enhance cardiovascular function by improving heart health and circulation,
  • increase muscular strength through resistance training,
  • boost metabolic flexibility by promoting efficient energy use.

These activities effectively reduce inflammation by lowering stress hormones and promoting the release of anti-inflammatory substances in the body. 

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to increased inflammation, reduced cardiovascular health, and weakened muscles. These accelerate the ageing process and heighten the risk of various diseases. 


When it comes to Tan’s nutritional protocol, he prioritises meals high in protein and low in carbohydrates. 

For breakfast, Tan often opts for six poached eggs, but only consumes two egg yolks to manage his cholesterol. 

Eggs are extremely nutrient-dense, containing high levels of vitamins D and B12, which support bone health and protect our genetic blueprints (DNA) and epigenetics.

Tan complements his egg consumption with fibre-rich foods like oatmeal, which he prepares with milk, honey, and avocado. 

Research shows that the fibre beta-glucan in oatmeal helps regulate blood sugar levels and promotes healthy gut bacteria and digestion, key factors that support longevity.

Discover the top 20 foods to boost your gut health.

For his main meals, Tan prefers simple yet nutritious options like fish soup or chicken with rice, focusing on the freshness and quality of the ingredients rather than complex flavours. 

This dietary simplicity ensures Tan consumes plenty of lean protein without unnecessary fats or additives, supporting muscle maintenance and overall metabolic efficiency. 

The inclusion of fish in his diet likely provides additional omega-3 fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory properties and essential role in enhancing cognitive function and cardiovascular health.

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What does Chuando exclude from his diet?

Chuando Tan
Chuando Tan.

Being healthy is not only about eating right, but also avoiding the harmful substances. Chuando Tan’s dietary exclusions are as crucial to his youthful appearance as the nutrients he actively includes. 

He avoids processed sugars, excessive refined carbohydrates, and processed foods. Scientific studies show that high sugar intake and processed foods are associated with accelerated ageing and increased risk of metabolic diseases.

1. Processed sugars and Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs)

Consuming high amounts of processed or refined sugars can lead to the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the body. 

AGEs are harmful compounds that can also form during high-heat cooking or processing of certain foods. 

They cause oxidative stress and inflammation, leading to cellular damage and accelerated ageing. 

By avoiding or limiting the intake of processed sugars and foods high in AGEs, Tan may reduce the accumulation of these damaging compounds, potentially slowing his ageing process at the cellular level.

Learn the effects of sugar on your skin and how to reverse them.

2. Low processed carbohydrate diet

Tan’s low intake of refined carbohydrates is significant. Studies have shown that diets high in processed carbohydrates, stripped of their essential nutrients, can lead to increased inflammation, disrupted insulin signalling, and altered fat metabolism.

These are all implicated in accelerated ageing and cognitive decline. By choosing a diet low in processed carbs, Tan may maintain better metabolic health.

3. Avoidance of pro-inflammatory foods

Eliminating highly processed, refined foods from his diet reduces exposure to pro-inflammatory compounds like unhealthy fats and additives. 

Chronic inflammation is a key driver of many age-related diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and neurodegeneration. 

By maintaining a diet low in these pro-inflammatory foods, Tan supports his body’s natural ability to manage inflammation, potentially extending his healthspan.

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Chuando’s anti-ageing secrets

1. Managing stress

Chuando really focuses on managing stress to improve both his appearance and overall well-being.

He engages in fulfilling creative activities such as writing books and photography, which help him mitigate emotional stress. 

Studies have linked elevated stress levels to increased oxidative stress, a known contributor to skin wrinkling and accelerated ageing.

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2. Skincare essentials

Tan complements his stress-free lifestyle with a skincare routine, using a gel face wash and moisturising cream daily. 

He also wears sunscreen every day, even though he tries to avoid prolonged sun exposure to protect his sensitive skin. 

Tan also makes sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, which is vital for skin hydration and overall health.

Learn why is a skincare routine important.

Does Chuando’s genetics help him stay younger?

Whilst specific details of Chuando Tan’s genetic makeup are not available, the interplay between his lifestyle choices and potential genetic factors is an important consideration. 

Research indicates significant variability in individuals’ responses to diet, exercise, and other lifestyle interventions, suggesting a strong genetic component. 

It is plausible that Tan’s genetics could predispose him to better respond to the lifestyle strategies he has implemented, potentially amplifying the benefits he experiences.

Genetic differences can influence how the body metabolises nutrients, regulates inflammation, and adapts to physical activity, all of which impact the effectiveness of Tan’s longevity-focused approach. 

However, it’s important to note that family studies demonstrated that only about 25 % of the variation in human longevity is due to genetic factors.

In a nutshell, how you age is mostly in your hands, and Chuando has been playing his cards right so far.

Different ways to boost longevity

Biohacking for longevity is gaining traction in the wellness community, with enthusiasts like Bryan Johnson attempting to build the ultimate blueprint for extended life. 

Unlike Johnson, who experiments with cutting-edge health-boosting technologies, Chuando Tan adheres to more conventional health practices to preserve his youth. 

This contrast highlights the diverse approaches one can take to achieve healthy ageing. 

As researchers continue to explore the complex interactions between genetics, lifestyle choices, and their effects on ageing, individuals like Tan provide valuable insights into effective strategies you can implement daily to preserve your health.

By Aishani Rajarai

Aishani Rajarai is a scientific writer and neuroscience enthusiast. She holds a BSc in biochemistry and cell biology, and a minor in medicinal chemistry and chemical biology. Her mission at Avea is to bring the science of longevity through blog posts, newsletters, podcasts, and social media content to the public, so people can live a healthier, longer, and happier life.

Aishani Rajarai is a scientific writer and neuroscience enthusiast. She holds a BSc in biochemistry and cell biology, and a minor in medicinal chemistry and chemical biology. Her mission at Avea is to bring the science of longevity through blog posts, newsletters, podcasts, and social media content to the public, so people can live a healthier, longer, and happier life.

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