Top 9 anti-ageing foods for your skin

Ageing isn’t merely an aesthetic concern; it also relates to how you feel on the inside. Embracing a proactive approach for your skin health may boost your self-worth and instil a confidence that shines from within.

Surprisingly, your diet, amongst others, is first in giving your skin the strong lift it deserves. Read on to discover the best anti-ageing foods for your skin.

Anti-ageing foods for your skin

The food-skin connection

The connection between dietary habits and skin ageing has been explored in various studies for years. A well-balanced diet, rich in certain nutrients, has been shown to promote skin health. What are those ingredients that our skin love?

Free guide to reverse your biological age

  • Master the science of rejuvenation.
  • Apply proven tips to turn back the clock.
  • Transform your health with top longevity specialists.

Anti-ageing skin nutrients you need daily

Before rushing to fill up your refrigerator, let’s have a look at what makes certain foods healthy, and certain unhealthy.

Some foods are just better avoided. Such foods include added sugar, fried foods, and those with hydrogenated vegetable oils or, really, any highly processed food.

Unhealthy foods don’t serve your body, health, or longevity goals. Instead, they may offer instant gratification, but end up causing more damage in the long run.

Real foods are naturally nutrient-dense. They also lack harmful chemicals and toxins that speed up ageing, induce inflammation or generate free radicals (the main culprits of several age-related diseases). 

Avea’s top 9 anti-ageing skin nutrients

1. Antioxidants:

Why do you think vitamin C or E have been touted for their benefits since ages? Mostly because of their strong antioxidant properties. But they’re not the only key players. Other plant compounds, also known as polyphenols, appear to be 50x more potent than vitamins. Antioxidants are powerhouses that neutralise damaging free radicals, thereby protecting your skin from premature ageing. [1]

Read more about antioxidants here.

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: 

Omega-3 is a special type of fatty acid. They have potent anti-inflammatory benefits and are essential for skin hydration. Omega-3 fatty acids form a natural barrier that keeps out harmful irritants, whilst locking in moisture. They are vital in the construction of cell membranes, giving your skin a smooth, youthful appearance. Omega–3 is not just reducing inflammation in your body; it’s also helping create resilient, radiant skin. [2]

Read more about Omega-3 benefits here.

3. Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that promotes cell turnover and regeneration. It helps maintain your skin cells healthy, thereby reducing fine lines, wrinkles, or saggy skin – common signs that come with ageing. Vitamin A is known to increase collagen production and stimulate new blood vessels in the skin. This helps improve skin tone and reduce hyperpigmentation. [3]

4. Zinc: 

Zinc works as a crucial co-factor with many enzymes. It plays a crucial role in DNA synthesis, wound healing, and cell division. By modulating your skin’s oil production and accelerating the rate at which wounds and blemishes heal, Zinc assists in keeping your skin’s appearance youthful and healthy. Its anti-inflammatory properties can further help reduce the redness and inflammation associated with acne and sunburns. [4]

5. Selenium: 

Selenium is a trace mineral, working synergistically with other antioxidants like vitamin E. It functions as a potent antioxidant and supports enzymatic processes involved in detoxification. Selenium has been shown to provide protection against UV-induced cell damage, thereby reducing the risk of skin cancer and signs of ageing such as wrinkles.

It also helps in the repair of DNA, thus playing a role in cellular regeneration. [5]

6. Probiotics: 

Probiotics are live microorganisms that offer numerous health benefits, particularly in your gut. They also balance your skin microbiome and boost natural defence mechanisms. This helps in reducing acne, rosacea, and eczema by maintaining a balanced bacterial environment. Probiotics produce antimicrobial peptides and beneficial metabolites that keep harmful bacteria in check, reducing inflammation and skin irritation. [6]

7. Collagen: 

Collagen is your skin’s structural backbone, providing elasticity and resilience. It keeps your skin hydrated and youthful, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. With age, collagen production diminishes, but other environmental and lifestyle factors may further accelerate the collagen decline. Supplementing with collagen can rejuvenate your skin’s natural structure. [7]

Read more about Collagen benefits for your skin here.

100% vegan, lab-researched, Collagen Activator

With over 500 hours spent in the lab, our formula is unlike other collagen supplements.

The Avea Collagen Activator features 

  • patented blend of amino acids, Colgevity™ 
  • powerful antioxidant Astaxanthin, 
  • natural vitamin C from Acerola Cherries
  • longevity-star ingredient, Calcium Alpha-Ketoglutarate (CaAKG). 

8. Amino Acids: 

Amino acids like Glycine, serve as the building blocks for proteins like collagen and elastin, essential for skin’s texture and elasticity. They also regulate cellular functions such as hydration and tissue repair, leading to radiant, youthful skin. Amino acids can be a game-changer in your skincare routine, offering benefits like increased moisture and reduced signs of ageing. [8]

The Avea Collagen Activator consists of the building blocks of collagen, not peptides, but an ideal ratio of amino acids’, proline, hydroxyproline, and glycine.

These are the primary amino acids of human collagen, explaining the synergistic power of the 3 amino acids to make our collagen supplement highly effective.

Read the difference between collagen peptides and amino acids here.

9. Flavonoids: 

Flavonoids, a subgroup of polyphenols, are powerhouse antioxidants found in colourful fruits and veggies. They neutralise free radicals, protecting your skin from premature ageing and UV damage. These compounds can improve skin hydration and elasticity, all while reducing inflammation and redness. [9]

By including these nutrients in your diet, you’re not just feeding your hunger, you’re nourishing your skin. Remember, food is meant to by enjoyed by you and your cells. But they’re there to serve another purpose– keeping us alive and healthy.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” –


So, go ahead, let your food be your ultimate skincare routine.

9 anti-ageing foods for your skin

How to turn your grocery cart into your secret weapon against skin ageing?

Check out Avea’s top 9 must-haves! These foods are rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, and bioactive compounds have been shown to protect and rejuvenate the skin.

1. Antioxidants:Citrus fruits
2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids:Salmon
Chia seeds
3. Vitamin A:Sweet potatoes
Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale
4. Zinc:Legumes
Whole grains
Dairy products
5. Selenium:Brazil nuts
Sunflower seeds
Fish like salmon and tuna
6. Probiotics:Yogurt
Fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi
7. Collagen:Bone broth
Chicken skin
Fish such as salmon and mackerel
8. Amino Acids:Lean meats
Plant-based sources like legumes and grains
9. Flavonoids:Berries
Dark chocolate
Colourful fruits and vegetables like oranges and peppers
Best anti-ageing foods for your skin

The Essentials: Foundation anti-ageing supplement

Supplements are called supplements for a reason. They’re not here to replace diets, but they come in handy when our diets end up missing on some essential nutrients. And sometimes, it isn’t really in our control. 

Whilst our Collagen Activator is a perfect touch for boosting your collagen levels daily, our Essentials are designed to cover your base. 

Above 90% of the population is deficient in Vitamin D, Magnesium & Omega-3.

Avea Essentials

Longevity experts at Avea created the Essentials as a daily must-have!

  • Vitamin D3 supports skin cell growth and repair, whilst Vitamin K2 may assist in skin elasticity and wound healing. 
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are renowned for their anti-inflammatory benefits, essential for maintaining a radiant complexion. 
  • Zinc plays a pivotal role in skin repair and balancing oil production. 
  • Magnesium promotes overall skin hydration by improving your skin’s natural barrier function. 

Golden rules to live by: The anti-ageing food guide

The rules for eating for radiant skin are simple:

  1. Opt for a low glycaemic load diet, as it’s been shown to reduce acne and other skin issues.
  2. Rainbow fruits and healthy fats are your best friends.
  3. Avoid sugar and processed foods; they accelerate skin ageing.
  4. Supplement smart.

Choose your food wisely for your skin 

The food you eat has a profound impact on how gracefully your skin ages. So, make informed choices when you’re consuming. Remember, the market is designed to trick you to buying highly-processed foods, or those drowning in sugar. Most of these will be lacking in nutritional value, especially the nutrients essential for your skin health.

Be mindful with the daily choices you make. 

By Aishani Rajarai

Aishani Rajarai is a scientific writer and neuroscience enthusiast. She holds a BSc in biochemistry and cell biology, and a minor in medicinal chemistry and chemical biology. Her mission at Avea is to bring the science of longevity through blog posts, newsletters, podcasts, and social media content to the public, so people can live a healthier, longer, and happier life.

Aishani Rajarai is a scientific writer and neuroscience enthusiast. She holds a BSc in biochemistry and cell biology, and a minor in medicinal chemistry and chemical biology. Her mission at Avea is to bring the science of longevity through blog posts, newsletters, podcasts, and social media content to the public, so people can live a healthier, longer, and happier life.

Science-based solutions designed to keep you feeling energized, vibrant, and youthful.