The science behind Biomind: Avea’s advanced probiotic supplement

Explore Gut health

Microscopic creatures—including bacteria, fungi, and viruses—are often seen as harmful. Yet, trillions of microbes live in and on your body, at all times. 

Many of them play crucial roles in digestion, infection prevention, and overall health. Whilst we tend to focus on eliminating bad microbes, nurturing the beneficial ones might be a more vital step towards longevity. 

Keeping this in mind, Avea created Biomind– a next-generation probiotic supplement with advanced Duocap® technology, ensuring superior stability and targeted release. 

Combining 10 probiotic strains, Panax Ginseng, and Vitamins B6 and B12, Biomind aims to support your gut health, mental well-being, and potentially boost your healthspan.

So, how exactly can Biomind protect your microbiome? Learn more about the best probiotic supplement for gut health and much more.

Avea Biomind - best probiotic supplement
Avea Biomind.

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Unmatched potency

Biomind delivers an impressive 30 billion CFUs, ensuring a high concentration of live beneficial bacteria.

CFU stands for Colony-Forming Unit, a measure of viable microbes before exposure to the GI tract. It indicates the number of active microorganisms in a probiotic supplement that can form colonies and provide health benefits. 

The optimal probiotic dose varies based on individual needs. For daily immune and digestive support, 10-20 billion CFUs are generally recommended, although the International Scientific Association of Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) doesn’t specify an exact CFU count for probiotics. 

30 billion CFUs in Biomind means more live bacteria reach your gut, enhancing the probiotic’s effectiveness.

Some people may require higher doses to effectively recolonise their gut microbiota or to combat more persistent digestive or immune issues.

Higher doses can provide a stronger or more targeted effect, which might be necessary for conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or during recovery from antibiotic treatments. 

Biomind’s 30 billion CFUs provide a robust dose, compensating for any loss during storage and digestion, and working effectively at the cellular level to deliver the wanted health benefits.

Whilst probiotics come from three main sources: supplements, yoghurts, and fermented foods—ensuring you get the essential good bacteria every day through meals can be challenging.

Probiotic supplements like Biomind offer a reliable way to support your gut health daily.

Discover the top 20 foods to improve your gut health.

10 well-researched probiotic strains

Biomind features a unique blend of 10 different probiotic strains, including 8 from Nordbiotic and 2 proprietary Avea strains.

Avea best probiotic supplement Biomind
Avea Biomind.

A probiotic strain refers to a specific type of probiotic bacteria that has been identified and classified based on its unique genetic and functional characteristics.

Simply put, probiotics are live bacteria that may provide a health benefit, when consumed. 

Scientists classify these bacteria by their genus, species, and strain. For example:

  • Genus: Lactobacillus
  • Species: rhamnosus

One of the most important things to note is the strain, because it determines the specific health benefit. 

There are many different types of probiotics, and no two are exactly alike.

This means that even if two types of probiotics have the same genus and species, they may have different strains offering distinct health benefits. 

Avea partnered with Nordic Biotic, a renowned Danish leader in probiotic research.

With patent-deposited strains validated through in vitro and clinical studies, Nordic Biotic ensures our 10 strains synergise for optimal gut health. 

Including a range of well-researched strains, supported by over 1000 scientific studies, ensures that Biomind supports a diverse and balanced gut microbiome.

Here are our 10 chosen probiotic strains: 

  1. Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG NORDBIOTICTM: Improves gastrointestinal health, reduces inflammation, and enhances immune response [1].
  2. Streptococcus Thermophilus NORDBIOTICTM ST-251: Boosts digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function [2].
  3. Bifidobacterium Longum NORDBIOTICTM BL-021: Regulates immune balance, improves intestinal barrier function, and alleviates stress, improving sleep [3].
  4. Bifidobacterium Animalis ssp. lactis NORDBIOTICTM BL-041: Enhances gut barrier function, improves bowel regularity, and protects against pathogens [4].
  5. Lactobacillus Plantarum NORDBIOTICTM LP-141: Breaks down food, fights off bad organisms, and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties [5].
  6. Lactobacillus Paracasei NORDBIOTICTM LPC-101: Enhances digestion, immune function, neuroprotection and mental health [6].
  7. Bifidobacterium Bifidum NORDBIOTICTM BF-031: Promotes balanced gut flora, helps digest fibre, and produces essential compounds [7].
  8. Lactobacillus Acidophilus NORDBIOTICTM LA-121: Improves cardiovascular health, lactose intolerance, and gastrointestinal diseases [8].
  9. Bifidobacterium Breve AVEALIFE 101: Enhances digestion, immune function, and mental health [9].
  10. Lactobacillus Casei AVEALIFE 201: Improves IBS symptoms, lactose digestion, and boosts the immune system [10].

By incorporating a diverse range of strains, Biomind promotes a robust and resilient gut microbiome, which is essential for overall health and longevity.

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Microbial diversity

In Biomind, we chose 10 different strains that perfectly complement each other.

Essentially, the diversity of microorganisms within your gut microbiome is what determines your overall health. 

A diverse microbiome helps ensure that multiple functions within the gut are carried out efficiently, from digesting food to regulating the immune system.

This balance between good and bad bacteria forms a mutually advantageous, or “symbiotic,” relationship with your body.

Research has shown that a lack of diversity in gut bacteria is linked to various health issues, including inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, and mental health disorders like depression and anxiety.

Those with higher microbial diversity tend to have better metabolic health, lower inflammation levels, and a more robust immune response.

A diverse microbiome also plays a protective role against pathogens and supports gut barrier function, which is essential for preventing infections and maintaining gut integrity.

This means that the more diverse your gut microbiome, the better your overall health and well-being are likely to be.

But the number of strains in a probiotic does not necessarily determine its effectiveness. Some probiotic brands offer products with multiple strains, thinking it replicates the natural gut environment. 

Yet, research has shown that “more is better” is not always true. What matters is the specific strains included and the scientific support for their health benefits. 

Effective delivery systems

Biomind uses the innovative Duocap® technology from Lonza, enhancing the effectiveness of our probiotics. 

Probiotic bacteria are delicate and can easily die due to exposure to heat, moisture, or the acidic environment of the stomach. 

To ensure that these beneficial bacteria remain alive until they reach your gastrointestinal (GI) tract, a good delivery system is essential. 

Many probiotics on the market may contain a “good dose” of bacteria, but they do not guarantee that these bacteria will survive the journey through the digestive system and actually reach their intended destination.

Avea’s Biomind uses Duocap® technology, a breakthrough in supplement delivery, offering transformative health benefits.

Here are the advantages of using Duocap® technology:

Duocap® technology used in Biomind.
  1. Better stability and shelf life
    The Duocap® system protects the probiotics from environmental factors like moisture and temperature, ensuring they remain viable until consumption.
  2. Unique capsule-in-capsule delivery system
    This advanced technology features a capsule within a capsule. The inner capsule contains sensitive ingredients(e.g. live bacteria), protecting them until they reach the optimal part of your digestive tract. The outer capsule contains Panax Ginseng and Vitamin B6 & B12.
  3. Combination of otherwise incompatible ingredients
    Duocap® allows for the inclusion of ingredients that would typically degrade or react with each other, ensuring all components remain effective.
  4. Targeted dual release
    The outer capsule dissolves in the stomach, whilst the inner capsule travels further down the digestive tract before releasing its contents. This targeted approach ensures that probiotics and other ingredients are delivered exactly where they are needed most.
  5. Enhanced survival rate of probiotics
    By protecting the probiotics from harsh stomach acids, Duocap® technology significantly increases the survival rate of live bacteria, ensuring they reach the intestines alive and active.
  6. Improved overall efficacy
    The combination of better stability, targeted delivery, and enhanced survival rates means that Biomind is not only more effective but also more reliable. You can trust that you are getting the full benefits of each carefully selected ingredient.

Biomind does not require refrigeration. You can store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight for optimal shelf life. 

Panax Ginseng

Why did we add Ginseng in Biomind?

Panax Ginseng has been used for millennia in traditional medicine across Asia, particularly in China and Korea, for its numerous health benefits.

We included it in Biomind, due to its well-documented ability to enhance mood, cognitive function, and immunity. It adds a nootropic component to our probiotic formulation, ensuring mental clarity and reducing mental fatigue [11].

Why does Ginseng do?

Ginseng offers several key benefits on the body that can boost longevity.

  • Cognitive enhancement: Known for its nootropic effects, it can improve mental clarity, focus, and overall cognitive function.
  • Mood improvement: Studies have shown that Ginseng can help reduce stress and enhance mood, contributing to better mental health.
  • Immune support: It has immunomodulatory properties that help boost the immune system, making it more effective in fighting off infections.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Its anti-inflammatory effects support overall health and wellness, reducing inflammation throughout the body.

Historically, Panax Ginseng has been a cornerstone of traditional Asian medicine, valued for its ability to revitalise and rejuvenate the body. It has been used to treat a variety of ailments, from fatigue and stress to immune deficiencies.

How does Ginseng work in synergy with probiotics?

By enhancing cognitive function and reducing inflammation, Panax Ginseng complements the gut health benefits of probiotics. 

The gut-brain axis, a bidirectional communication system between the gut and the brain, highlights the link between a healthy gut and mental health. 

Gut-mind connection
Gut-mind connection.

Did you know that 95% of serotonin (the happy hormone) and 50% of dopamine (the reward hormone) are produced in your gut, along with 30+ other neurotransmitters? 

Avea’s Biomind is an innovative blend that supports optimal gut-brain health by leveraging advanced ingredients to cultivate a balanced gut microbiome, crucial for mental wellness.

Vitamins B6 & B12

Why did we add Vitamins B6 and B12 in Biomind?

According to Harvard Health, B vitamins play crucial roles in the body, helping enzymes perform various tasks.

These include releasing energy from carbohydrates and fats, breaking down amino acids, and transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

Amongst these, Vitamins B6 and B12 are particularly essential, as they support normal psychological functions, reduce fatigue, and promote a healthy nervous system.

We included them in Biomind to provide additional support for energy metabolism and mental well-being.

What do Vitamins B6 and B12 do?

  • Energy metabolism: Both B6 and B12 are crucial for converting the foods you eat into energy, supporting overall metabolic processes.
  • Red blood cell formation: Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of healthy red blood cells, which are necessary for oxygen transport throughout your body.
  • Psychological function: Vitamin B6 is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which regulate mood and cognitive function.
  • Neurological health: Vitamin B12 is vital for maintaining the health of nerve cells and helping in the production of DNA, which is crucial for brain health and neurological function.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has approved these benefits, highlighting  just how important they are in maintaining good health.

How do Vitamins B6 and B12 work in synergy with probiotics? 

Vitamins B6 and B12 support the body’s metabolic processes and nervous system, which can enhance the effectiveness of probiotics in promoting gut health. 

A healthy gut helps in the better absorption of these vitamins, creating a beneficial cycle where probiotics and vitamins mutually support each other’s functions. 

This synergy helps maintain overall health and well-being, making Biomind a comprehensive solution for your digestive and mental health.

Including these well-researched strains and supportive nutrients ensures that Biomind supports a diverse and balanced gut microbiome, promoting overall health and longevity.

Experience Avea’s next-gen probiotic supplement

  • 4x probiotic survival: Advanced Duocap® technology
  • Targeted gut-brain support: Panax Ginseng, 10 strains (30Bn CFUs), Vitamin B6 & B12
  • Backed by science: 1000+ studies

What should I look for in a probiotic?

Choosing the right probiotic can be daunting with so many options out there. It’s important to look beyond the flashy packaging and commercials. 

Here are 3 main reasons why you should consider trying Biomind. And it’s not because of our 90-day money-back guarantee offer.

  1. Strain: The specific bacteria strain in a probiotic determines the health benefits you can expect. Biomind features 10 carefully selected strains, each backed by scientific research to support your gut health, immune function, and mental well-being. 
  2. Proof: Any health claims should be supported by solid scientific studies. At Avea, we’ve partnered with Nordic Biotic, a leader in probiotic research, to ensure that the strains in Biomind are validated through rigorous in vitro and clinical studies. This means you can trust the health benefits of our product.
  3. Transparency: Trustworthy probiotics provide clear information on their packaging. With Biomind, you’ll find detailed information about the number of live microorganisms (30 billion CFU per serving), the specific strains included, the suggested daily serving size, the expiration date, and storage instructions. Plus, we offer full corporate contact information so you can reach out with any questions or concerns.

Choose Biomind for a probiotic supplement that prioritises your health with scientifically backed strains, proven effectiveness, and complete transparency.

Key note from Avea

Why Biomind is unique?

When it comes to choosing a probiotic supplement, Biomind stands out from the rest. Here’s why:

  • Unique blend of strains: Biomind features a carefully selected combination of 10 different probiotic strains, including 8 from Nordbiotic and 2 proprietary Avea strains. This diverse blend ensures a balanced and effective approach to supporting gut health, immune function, and mental well-being.
  • Advanced Duocap® technology: Our innovative Duocap® technology ensures superior stability and targeted release of probiotics. This means the beneficial bacteria are protected from harsh stomach acids and reach the intestines alive and active, enhancing their effectiveness.
  • High potency: With 30 billion CFUs per serving, Biomind delivers a high concentration of live beneficial bacteria, ensuring more probiotics reach your gut to support your health.
  • Scientifically-backed: Each strain in Biomind is supported by rigorous in vitro and clinical studies, ensuring their health benefits are proven and reliable. We partnered with Nordic Biotic, a leader in probiotic research, to provide you with the best possible product.
  • Additional health benefits: Biomind not only includes powerful probiotics, but also incorporates Panax Ginseng and Vitamins B6 and B12. These ingredients enhance cognitive function, reduce mental fatigue, support energy metabolism, and maintain a healthy nervous system.


By Aishani Rajarai

Aishani Rajarai is a scientific writer and neuroscience enthusiast. She holds a BSc in biochemistry and cell biology, and a minor in medicinal chemistry and chemical biology. Her mission at Avea is to bring the science of longevity through blog posts, newsletters, podcasts, and social media content to the public, so people can live a healthier, longer, and happier life.

Aishani Rajarai is a scientific writer and neuroscience enthusiast. She holds a BSc in biochemistry and cell biology, and a minor in medicinal chemistry and chemical biology. Her mission at Avea is to bring the science of longevity through blog posts, newsletters, podcasts, and social media content to the public, so people can live a healthier, longer, and happier life.

Explore Gut health

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