Magnesium bisglycinate supplement: benefits, dosage, sources, and more

All of us needs Magnesium. This vital mineral is responsible for over 80% of the body’s metabolic functions. It is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions that influence everything from energy production to muscle function. 

As scientific research increasingly highlights the importance of supplementation, various forms of Magnesium have flooded the market. 

But Magnesium bisglycinate stands apart. With its superior absorption and minimal digestive discomfort, it’s one of the most efficient ways to boost Magnesium levels. 

Whether you’re looking to improve sleep, reduce anxiety, or support muscle recovery, Magnesium bisglycinate offers a powerful range of health benefits.

Dive into this Avea article to discover the ideal dosage, its wide-ranging benefits, and how to integrate Magnesium bisglycinate into your longevity routine.

That’s why we’ve made it a key ingredient in Avea Essentials—for all the right reasons.

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What is Magnesium bisglycinate?

Magnesium bisglycinate is a chelated form of Magnesium, meaning it’s bound to the amino acid Glycine. This unique structure offers a significant advantage over other forms, like Magnesium oxide. 

Magnesium bisglycinate.

Chelation allows Magnesium to be more easily absorbed in your intestines, resulting in higher bioavailability and greater effectiveness. 

Besides, Magnesium bisglycinate causes less digestive discomfort compared to other forms, such as Magnesium citrate or oxide, which are known for their laxative effects.

Most cases of Magnesium deficiency go undiagnosed. This is because serum Magnesium does not reflect intracellular Magnesium, which makes more than 99% of total body Magnesium.

Few factors like chronic diseases, medications, and the depletion of Magnesium in food crops due to modern farming practices contribute to Magnesium deficiency. 

In fact, research reveals that the majority of people in modern societies are at risk of subclinical Magnesium deficiency, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other chronic health problems. 

Magnesium bisglycinate offers a simple, cost-effective solution to address these deficiencies. Its superior absorption ensures more of the mineral reaches the cells that need it, whilst its gentle effect on the digestive system makes it suitable for regular use.

Dive deeper into why you should take supplements.

Magnesium deficiency symptoms

While symptomatic Magnesium deficiency is relatively uncommon, subclinical Magnesium deficiency—where levels are low, but not enough to cause obvious symptoms—is widespread. This can lead to a range of issues, including:

  • Muscle cramps or spasms
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Anxiety or irritability
  • High blood pressure

If left untreated, low Magnesium levels can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis.

To diagnose Magnesium deficiency, your doctor may order blood, urine, or saliva tests to assess your Magnesium status. 

However, since most of the body’s Magnesium is stored within cells and bones, standard serum Magnesium tests may not always detect low levels. This is why maintaining optimal Magnesium intake is essential for overall health.

According to studies, up to 50% of people in the United States and Europe may have inadequate Magnesium intake due to poor dietary habits, chronic illnesses, or certain medications.

Can you take Magnesium bisglycinate with other supplements?

Yes, Magnesium can be taken alongside other supplements, and in fact, it works synergistically with certain nutrients to enhance overall absorption and effectiveness. 

For example, Vitamin D requires Magnesium for proper activation, and both Zinc and Omega-3 fatty acids help optimise Magnesium levels.

Keeping these factors in mind, Avea created the Essentials.

The daily vitality boost you need

  • Address common nutrient deficiencies like Magnesium, Omega-3, and Vitamin D.
  • Support immune and overall health.
  • Enhance your energy and vitality.

Avea’s Essentials contains a balanced blend of 125 mg of Magnesium, along with Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, Zinc, and Omega-3, making it a comprehensive solution for maintaining optimal health. 

This combination ensures that you’re not only getting your daily dose of Magnesium, but also supporting your immune system, brain health, and cardiovascular function.

Taking Essentials alongside a healthy diet helps ensure that your Magnesium levels stay in balance. 

Always consult with your healthcare provider before adding any new supplements to your routine to avoid potential interactions.

Is Magnesium glycinate the same as Magnesium bisglycinate?

Yes. The compound Magnesium bisglycinate is also called Magnesium glycinate. Since it has two glycine molecules attached to the Magnesium molecule, it is more accurately called “bisglycinate” (bis = two). 

Two separate glycine molecules occupy an active site on each magnesium molecule, increasing solubility and absorption.

No Magnesium supplement is “pure Magnesium”. It can’t be, because Magnesium atom (Mg 2+) on its own, is a highly reactive metal. It needs to be bound to other atoms to form one of the many different types of magnesium supplements you see in the market.

What is elemental Magnesium?

Elemental Magnesium refers to the actual amount of Magnesium present in a supplement. 

In the case of Magnesium bisglycinate, only about 10-20% of the total weight is usually elemental Magnesium, the part your body actually uses. 

This distinction is important because different forms of Magnesium supplements contain varying amounts of elemental Magnesium, affecting how much of the mineral you are really getting.

Why is Magnesium bisglycinate supplement better?

Magnesium bisglycinate is widely considered one of the best forms of Magnesium supplementation, largely due to its high bioavailability—which is just a fancy way of saying it’s absorbed much more efficiently by the body compared to other forms. 

Take Magnesium oxide, for example—it has an absorption rate of less than 4%, with the rest drawing water into the intestines, often leading to digestive issues like diarrhoea.

In contrast, Magnesium bisglycinate binds Magnesium to two glycine molecules, which prevents excess water from binding to the Magnesium and allows for much better absorption. 

The glycine component also lowers the pH level in the small intestine, further enhancing this process, all whilst being gentle on the digestive system. 

This makes it much easier to tolerate, even at higher doses, with significantly fewer side effects.

Besides, glycine itself has relaxing properties, making Magnesium bisglycinate particularly effective for supporting sleep and reducing anxiety.

It’s often regarded as the superior choice for:

  1. Reversing Magnesium deficiency
  2. Reducing anxiety and stress
  3. Easing leg cramps and restless leg syndrome 
  4. Managing fibromyalgia and migraines
  5. Improving sleep quality

Let’s dive deeper into the potential benefits of supplementing with Magnesium bisglycinate.

What is Magnesium bisglycinate good for?

1. Enhanced absorption and bioavailability

Magnesium bisglycinate is chelated to glycine, which significantly improves its absorption in the intestines. This ensures that a higher percentage of Magnesium is effectively utilised by your body compared to other forms like Magnesium oxide.

2. Gentle on the stomach

Unlike other forms of Magnesium, such as Magnesium citrate, bisglycinate is gentle on the stomach and less likely to cause digestive discomfort or diarrhoea. This makes it a suitable option for those with sensitive digestive systems.

3. Reduced laxative effect

Many Magnesium supplements have a strong laxative effect. Magnesium bisglycinate, on the other hand, has a reduced laxative effect, allowing for higher doses without the unwanted side effect of diarrhoea.

4. Muscle relaxation and cramp relief

Magnesium bisglycinate plays a key role in muscle relaxation and function. It helps reduce muscle cramps, spasms, and tension, making it an excellent supplement for athletes and individuals prone to muscle stiffness.

5. Improved sleep quality

Magnesium helps regulate neurotransmitters such as GABA, which promotes relaxation and better sleep. Magnesium bisglycinate can help improve sleep quality, reduce insomnia, and enhance overall sleep patterns.

6. Stress and anxiety relief

Magnesium bisglycinate can reduce anxiety by regulating the nervous system and balancing neurotransmitters. It also helps lower cortisol levels, which is key in managing stress and promoting a sense of calm.

7. Bone health and strength

Magnesium is essential for bone density and works synergistically with Calcium to support bone health. Supplementing with Magnesium bisglycinate can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis and improve bone mineralisation, especially in ageing populations.

8. Cardiovascular health

Magnesium bisglycinate supports cardiovascular health by regulating blood pressure and promoting a healthy heart rhythm. Adequate Magnesium levels are associated with a reduced risk of heart diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes.

9. Energy production

Magnesium is involved in ATP (adenosine triphosphate) synthesis, which is the body’s main energy source. Magnesium bisglycinate supports mitochondrial function and helps boost energy levels, reducing fatigue and enhancing stamina.

10. Support for metabolic health

Magnesium plays a role in insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. Supplementing with Magnesium bisglycinate can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes.

11. Immune support

Magnesium bisglycinate supports immune system function, helping the body resist infections and illnesses. It strengthens the body’s natural defences and enhances overall immune response.

12. Anti-inflammatory properties

Magnesium bisglycinate possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which can aid in managing chronic inflammation and reducing the risk of inflammatory diseases.

Dive deeper and discover the 22 science-proven benefits of Magnesium for longevity.

Who should not take Magnesium Bisglycinate?

Whilst Magnesium bisglycinate is generally safe for most people, some people should be cautious before starting supplementation.

1. Those with kidney disease
People with kidney disease may have difficulty excreting excess Magnesium, leading to an accumulation in the body that could cause toxicity. It’s important to consult a healthcare provider before supplementing, especially if your kidney function is impaired.

2. Potential medication interactions
Some medications, such as diuretics, antibiotics, and acid-reflux drugs, can interfere with Magnesium absorption or increase Magnesium loss.

Besides, medications like lithium or certain antidepressants can raise Magnesium levels. Always speak with a doctor if you’re on medication to ensure no negative interactions.

3. Pregnant and nursing women
Magnesium needs increase during pregnancy, and supplementation may be necessary. However, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider to ensure safety. Nursing mothers should also seek advice to confirm that Magnesium supplementation is suitable during breastfeeding.

4. Children
Magnesium bisglycinate has not been widely studied in children. Depending on their age, children may require varying amounts of Magnesium, so it’s important to consult a paediatrician before starting supplementation.


Magnesium bisglycinate has been studied at doses of 300 mg per day, particularly in trials focused on reducing leg cramps during pregnancy [1]. 

Whilst this is a commonly recommended dose, individual needs may vary depending on your health goals and Magnesium levels.

The daily vitality boost you need

  • Address common nutrient deficiencies like Magnesium, Omega-3, and Vitamin D.
  • Support immune and overall health.
  • Enhance your energy and vitality.

Avea’s Essentials contain 125 mg of Magnesium bisglycinate per capsule. This means that one pill provides approximately 1/3 of your daily Magnesium needs, with the remaining amount ideally obtained through a balanced diet rich in leafy greens, almonds, and other Magnesium-rich foods.

Our supplement should not be causing any unfavourable symptoms as Magnesium bisglycinate is more easily absorbed by the body, making it a more effective choice for supplementation despite the lower elemental Magnesium content.

For optimal health, 125 mg is a good starting point for those looking to improve their Magnesium intake without overloading on capsules. Supplementing with food sources ensures a balanced approach to meeting your daily Magnesium requirements.


To ensure safe use, take the following precautions:

  • Avoid Magnesium bisglycinate if you have known allergies to the compound or its components.
  • Seek immediate medical attention if you experience symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, hives, or difficulty breathing.

Side effects

Magnesium bisglycinate is generally well-absorbed and may cause fewer side effects compared to other forms of Magnesium [2]

However, like most Magnesium supplements, it can still trigger mild gastrointestinal symptoms, including:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea

These effects are linked to Magnesium’s ability to relax intestinal muscles. In one clinical trial, 25% of participants reported nausea, whilst 14% experienced diarrhoea [3].

Potential risks of high doses

Although rare, taking too much Magnesium can lead to more serious side effects, such as:

  • Low blood pressure
  • Muscle weakness
  • Slow or shallow breathing
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • In extreme cases, coma

Always consult a healthcare provider before starting supplementation, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or are taking medications.

How long does Magnesium stay in your body?

Magnesium is primarily excreted through the kidneys via urine. On average, a Magnesium supplement, such as Magnesium bisglycinate, stays in the body for around 24 hours before being excreted. 

However, this time can vary depending on individual metabolism, kidney function, and dosage.


By Aishani Rajarai

Aishani Rajarai is a scientific writer and neuroscience enthusiast. She holds a BSc in biochemistry and cell biology, and a minor in medicinal chemistry and chemical biology. Her mission at Avea is to bring the science of longevity through blog posts, newsletters, podcasts, and social media content to the public, so people can live a healthier, longer, and happier life.

Aishani Rajarai is a scientific writer and neuroscience enthusiast. She holds a BSc in biochemistry and cell biology, and a minor in medicinal chemistry and chemical biology. Her mission at Avea is to bring the science of longevity through blog posts, newsletters, podcasts, and social media content to the public, so people can live a healthier, longer, and happier life.

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